ELM Report – July

July 1, 2022

We have been extremely patient waiting for spring to arrive this year. Today is the last day of May and
hopefully we have had the last really cold night so we can finally stop worrying about our new plants.
The same is true for our planters and parks; our contractor has been hesitant to put in our summer
displays in the planters because of our cold spring. On the other hand, the grass has started to grow well
in our community and several areas are getting a haircut as we speak. If you feel that the medians are
overdue for a trim, rest assured that they will be cut as soon as the street sweeping is complete. Gravel
may otherwise damage the mowing machines while pieces of gravel could shoot out from the blades.
Not all of Calgary’s neighborhoods can be cleaned at the same time and we must take turns getting early
versus late street cleaning. Clearly, we got the late shift this year.
A lot is going on behind the ELM scenes in the meantime and some of the things we are working on
apart from cleaning up and mowing include:
 A gradual transition from mostly annuals to perennials in our flower beds to create a more
sustainable environment. However, perennials generally take a few years to get established, and
we will add annuals to create that beautiful, colorful look we all crave after a long winter. Once
the perennials are established, the flower beds will also look more attractive in the wintertime!
 Our ELM Coordinator has approached city representatives to arrange for a site meeting to
discuss enhancement of the area on the East side of Edgebrook Boulevard across from the
wetlands. Thistles are growing profusely in different varieties in this area as well and ELM hopes
to address this issue with the city.
 Plans are underway to enhance the area around the Edgemont sign at the northeast corner of
John Laurie Boulevard and Edgemont Boulevard. To spread the cost of the project, the work will
be carried out in phases. With a focus on hardy shrubs and perennials, the plan is to add some
Karl Foerster Feather Reed grasses on the side of the sign and daylilies in front and to the back
this year as a first pass. Remaining areas will be filled up with annuals for now. Next year, more
perennials will be added to the planting space in front of the sign and so on, while working
within the constraints of our budget.
 The city is planning to do some tree (seedling) planting in Edgemont in 2023. If you have
suggestions for planting in specific areas in Edgemont, please send in specifics for consideration
as soon as possible to: [email protected]
 If you have any questions or concerns, please provide details to ELM at
[email protected]
Hopefully, our planters will be in full bloom by the time you read this report in the Newsletter. To see
the ELM reports earlier than that, please go to the website at the start of each month, as reports are
posted right away on the website.

Kathleen Stewart, Rick Wierzbicki, Shari Pitka. May 31, 2022