ELM Report – June 2020

June 22, 2020

Covid-19 and ELM

The ELM Team and our Landscaper has stayed in touch with the City of Calgary and their AHS reports and we will be adhering to the City health and safety recommendations for our ELM season. The Government of Alberta recognizes all agricultural business as essential, including seeds, crops, ornamental plants and growing supplies, nurseries and garden centres as essential services. 

The City of Calgary will be going ahead with their turf-care, planters and garden bed care with all crew maintaining any physical distancing requirements that may be in place at that time.  Edgemont will follow the City’s recommendations for the ELM season. The City may cut back on maintenance, if required.  Our Landscaper is confident that his crew can carry on with our program safely.  The water truck has a solo driver and he works independently.  Planters can be planted by one person per planter. Garden beds can be divided into areas where one person can manage or just have one person do all the planting.  The turf crew work separately and have their own vehicles.  The public can do their part and stay out of the areas the crew are working in or maintain the social distancing regulations. The planting may take longer this year due to these limitations. The planting season for Edgemont starts the first week of June.  It will be wonderful to see all the plantings flourish and make our drives and walks more pleasurable.

Due to the closure of the Edgemont Community Centre and the cancellation of all programs and events, our ELM and Green Space Open House has been put on hold.  We hope to reschedule once the building reopens. The Open House is a great opportunity for our residents and homeowners to come and see what has been done throughout the Community, what is planned, meet the City ELM representatives and to ask questions.  We will also have an area where our residents can write down what they would like to see, suggestions, and constructive comments. The ELM team and our Landscaper take these suggestions under consideration when planning each season. With the 5-year ELM reaffirmation vote coming up later in the year, our Open House will provide all the information you will need to make an informed decision. Watch our newsletter, web site and social media for an announcement of the Open House.