President’s Message – March 2022

March 1, 2022

Well! Both the Julian and the Lunar Calendars at last agree the New Year has commenced. Perhaps we can also hold in our minds that, with the month of March upon us, and even with the Groundhog predictions of 6 weeks more of the same, that Winter is actually turning into Spring! With every big change in the seasons comes a change in perspective about what facilities we have and how we can use them. Through Spring there will be, supposedly (!), less snow and more liquid water in our environment. There was a timely note from the City of Calgary concerning dry and wet ponds throughout the city. A storm pond captures and contains stormwater – for a while. They can fill quickly and empty slowly and muddily. Storm ponds slow down water long enough to settle out sediments and pollutants, helping return cleaner water to our rivers and streams. Road Salt and other contaminants in run-off water can mislead us into thinking that, for instance, the ice on the pond is as thick and hard as clean river ice or that the pond water is safe to wade through. Not true in either case. Consider the ice abatement on roadways and the many uses our pets and wildlife have for the ravines and grassy areas. Then consider washing that chemical and organic material into a pond or two. Dry and Wet Ponds are not the same as your grandfather’s pond out the back! Stay Back and Stay Safe around both kinds of ponds!

Your ECA continues to forge the always ‘rewarding’ path during the many facets of the Pandemic and has proposed some future dates that may even get past the restrictions and various ‘waves’ of the plague. Here’s a ‘What’s Up’ list of proposed events to scratch into your busy Social Calendars:

April 9: Spring Market

April 11: Marks the Bylaw deadline to purchase a membership to attend and vote at the AGM. Similarly, there is a threshold to forward your nominations for Board Members, Special Resolutions, etc.

May 7: Mother’s Day Tea

May 11: ECA Annual General Meeting

Jun 4: Car Boot Sale. British Heritage meets the Garage Sale, no translation required!

June 25: Nordic Rodeo (Ski jumping, biathlon & games)

 As always, watch the web page for up-to-date info and any changes!

Membership in the Edgemont Community Association is a requirement for participation in the ECA Annual General Meeting. That is actually an important enough reason to justify buying a membership online, but the financial contribution for the membership goes a lot further than just the AGM. One, of many, initiatives that the ECA Membership fees help to fund is the Ice Rink at the Reservoir Park. Read, in this month’s edition of Inside Edgemont, what stalwart volunteer and ECA Director, Rick Wierzbicki, has to say on the use of membership dues.

The sheer magnitude of the work done by volunteers in this community is stunning and humbling. This is reinforced when you think about the Ice Rink volunteers scraping, watering and freezing at 5 in the morning! The way to give these community minded spirits the tools for the job is to support the ECA by buying a membership. Visit www.edgemont.ab.ca/become-a-member

The ECA continues with organizing this summer’s major work of mold and rot remediation and the subsequent re-skinning the Community Centre.


Bill Kirk