September 2024 President’s Message

September 2024 President’s Message

President’s Message – September 2024 As September presents itself, we can pat ourselves on the back to tackling the challenges of summer and coming out unscathed, for the most part. Road construction – a summer challenge we’ve come to accept as a necessary evil. Water...
ELM Report September 2024

ELM Report September 2024

ELM REPORT – SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWSLETTER Some good news just arrived from the City Newsroom! We have graduated to Stage 1 water restrictions; our home turf and gardens may survive after all with an additional hour of sprinkler use per week! In the meantime, it has been...
Lady Bug Life Cycle

Lady Bug Life Cycle

Ladybug Life Cycle: An Amazing Life Ladybug eggs are very small, oval and pale yellow. The mother ladybug usually lays her eggs on the undersides of leaves to protect them from predators. She will leave her eggs close to food (aphids) so they will have plenty to eat...
August 2024 President’s Message

August 2024 President’s Message

President’s Message – August 2024 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all the volunteers who stepped up to help with our summer programs. Thanks to all who attended the Nordic Rodeo and the Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to all who welcomed forty new Canadians at the...
July 2024 President’s Message

July 2024 President’s Message

President’s Message – July 2024 Yahoo!! It’s July! The Annual General Meeting is behind us, and the new Board of Directors is making plans. Please look at the contacts page in the newsletter or on the website to see who is new and who we’ve recycled. Many thanks to...