Cut a Bouquet of Flowers from the PLANTERS on October 15th and 16th

October 10, 2023
As announced in the October newsletter, Edgemont residents are hereby invited to get some final joy from the gorgeous flowers planted in the planters in Edgemont this summer! You are invited to  cut a bouquet of flowers from the PLANTERS on October 15th and 16th. Please note that you can only cut flowers from the planters, not from the flower beds, as we are going to keep some of the flowers for next year! Try taking some 10 cm (4 inch) cuttings from the geraniums to grow your geraniums indoors this winter! There are numerous articles on the internet with suggestions on how to do this. 
Please cut the flowers only and leave all roots intact!
A big thank you to Foothills for maintaining the flowers in our planters well into October this year!
The ELM team