November 2023 ELM Report

October 24, 2023

ELM REPORT – November 2023

Our fall weather has been spectacular and at the time of writing, the yellows, reds and rust colours are absolutely stunning. Moreover, the flowers in our parks and planters are still going very strong despite water restrictions remaining in place.  Sadly, the time is approaching to remove the flowers and prepare parks and planters for winter. Our plan was to pilot a “pick a flower” event on the day prior to removing the flowers; however, we were beyond disappointed to discover that one of the planters on Edgeridge Gate, a fairly high traffic road, had been vandalized (see picture) at some point between September 24th and 27th.  If you see anything like this happening, please take pictures and phone the non-emergency police line (403-266-1234) right away to report these acts of vandalism. Also, we often experience theft of decorative items from our winter displays; as a resident of Edgemont, please help your community and report these crimes. 

We have been extremely happy to work with Foothills Landscaping this year and are happy to let you know that they have been catching up on some of the outstanding projects including trimming of the lilacs along Edenwold Drive and revamping some of the permanent flower beds to feature plants that are more suitable for specific areas.  A permanent flower bed in the Edgebrook area (EDG 119) is scheduled for a facelift in 2024. 

The city’s forestry department has planted nearly 60 trees in Edgemont this year and they are taking a different approach to the tree planting process to increase the chance of survival of new trees along our medians, such as modifying the content and volume of the tree beds and using mulch.  Trees on medians are subject to road salts, pollution, and damage from equipment.

Unfortunately, the pocket gophers have been raising havoc near the community center and at the Disc Golf Park and the city is in the process of treating the affected areas. 

A quick reminder that if you have any perennials to donate in spring, please contact us as soon as possible using the email address below, so our ELM coordinator can take your most appreciated donation into account when planning for next summer: 

[email protected]

We are also happy to inform you that there will no increase of the special tax levy next year to help fund the ELM program. 

Any concerns or questions regarding ELM, please contact us using the above email address and we will be very happy to respond to your concerns. 

Kathleen Stewart, Rick Wierzbicki, Shari Pitka